Thursday, January 3, 2013
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Halloween, a couple days late

I loved that he could wear anything he wanted under it. I wish I had more time; I would have made pants that looked like the sea floor. I also had visions of a bubble machine but there are only so many hours in the day!
We recently got a roku box and have been watching the same cartoons that my husband and I grew up on with our own kids. We both had the same reaction of all these childhood cartoon memories flooding back. So far they have watched He-man, Care bears, Mr. Rogers, and of course She-Ra Princess of Power.
My daughter had thrown out a new costume idea everyday including, but not limited to: Princess, Butterfly, Tinkerbell, Hello Kitty and finally resting on She-Ra. I am guessing it is because she has a crown, cape AND sword. Once she mentioned She-Ra I admit to being more enthusiastic because I knew that costume would be the easiest and I liked that she was a kick ass princess with a sword.
I appliqued the flower thing on the shirt and made a simple skirt using the pattern from Made. I use that pattern for all her skirts.
The cape is a simple rectangle that is gathered at the top and attached with sequins. Boots are old rain boots that we spray painted gold and the head dress is cardboard and sequins, held together with hot glue.
No sword (see bubble machine explanation above). I told her it was a magical invisible sword that only princesses could see and she seemed to accept that explanation. I was surprised by how many adults didn't know who she was.
My son is already talking about next year's costume, can't imagine where he gets that from!
Posted by Sarah at 4:53 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Pumpkin Patch 2012

Posted by Sarah at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kids
Friday, September 28, 2012
A Letter to My Daughter On Her Third Birthday
Dear Bean,
Today you are three! Wow, how did that happen so quickly? I am guessing it is because you are a ball of energy and movement that barely stops to sleep! You are slow to warm up but once that fire is lit watch out!
You are the most expressive child I have ever met, making at least 50 different faces while eating your supper. Taking pictures of you is always an adventure and requires a fast shutter speed!
Your heart is sensitive, often asking me "Are you happy now?" after you know that you did something that upset me. When you see me upset you are the first to offer a comforting hug and a pat on the back even when you are unsure what has caused the sadness.
Your beauty is in the wildness of your curly hair, the callus on the thumb you suck, your eyes that are neither grey, brown or green but all of those at the same time. You prefer not to wear dresses unless you also have pants on. You love your super girl shirt.
Your brother started school this fall and the emptiness in the house is felt most acutely by you. You are still working on figuring out who you can be and what you can do without him around.
This summer you decided you wanted to get your ears pierced but ONLY if it was with Hello Kitty earrings. The first store we went to didn't have them so you said no. The second store did the ones you wanted and you sat braver and stiller than me while they pierced one ear at a time.
You saw the ocean for the first time this year and love it and I loved watching you experience it.
You love Hello Kitty, horses, Caillou, making dinner, filling a page with small intricate circle designs, painting your finger nails, holding babies (real ones please), and owning but not wearing hair pretties.
When you were born I was afraid to have a daughter but now I can't image my life without you! Happy third birthday little girl.
Posted by Sarah at 3:28 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
First Day of Preschool
Today was a big day for our family. My oldest went to his first day of preschool. Yes, I cried but not in an embarrassing kind of way. He was so excited and very ready for this day.
I spent the morning with my daughter painting her nails, going to the bank and reading books. It was very, VERY quiet in my house.
We came to pick him up and he ran to the teacher saying "She's here, she's here - where is her card?!" (start to get teary eyed here)
Posted by Sarah at 1:00 PM 10 comments
Friday, August 24, 2012
My kids saw the ocean and went to the beach for the first time this summer. They loved it so much it almost made me want to leave the mountains and head for the shore... almost.
We spent the day with cousins, aunts and uncles and Grandma and Grandpa. It really was the perfect day.
Sit back and relax and watch some of my vacation photos.
Beach from SarahBocco on Vimeo.
Posted by Sarah at 12:41 PM 4 comments
Friday, June 22, 2012
Broken Washing Machine
Taking pictures of your own kids is tough. My daughter refuses to look at me and when she does it usually means I get to see all of her tongue, her eyes squinted and her head contorted. My son just sighs when he sees me reach for my camera.
I do love this picture of my daughter. I would have loved to have her looking at me but I will take what I can get with that firecracker!
Right before I snapped this one my son said, "One picture, that is all mom." Here is that one picture.
I love that the laundromat is an unexpected place for a shoot and would love to see how this would work with kids other than my own. Thank you also to all the little old ladies that just smiled at me and my kids and even though I could see it in their eyes, never once asked what the hell I was doing.
Posted by Sarah at 2:33 PM 5 comments